Friday, June 01, 2012

MS CRM 2011: CallerOrigin in plugins

Yesterday well-known MVP Tanguy Touzard, author of amazing tools for Dynamics CRM 4.0/2011 asked about CallerOrigin property in plugins for Dynamics CRM 2011. This property worked for CRM 4.0 and returned the source of plugin invocation (Application, AsyncService or WebService). I and Gayan suggested to use HttpContext class from System.Web namespace to check source.
 Today during debug of one plugin in QuickWatch window I have seen that CallerOrigin property is still in context but it is not property of IPluginExecutionContext:

Following class is helper which allows you easily get origin of plugin invocation:
namespace CallerOrigin.Plugins
    internal enum CallerOrigin : int
        Undefind = 0,
        Application = 1,
        WebService = 2,
        AsyncService = 3

    internal class CallerOriginHelper
        internal static CallerOrigin GetCallerOrigin(
            Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.IPluginExecutionContext context)
            if (context.GetType().Name == "SandboxPluginExecutionContext")
                return CallerOrigin.Undefind;

            object callerorigin = 
                context.GetType().GetProperty("CallerOrigin").GetValue(context, null);

            switch (callerorigin.GetType().Name)
                case "ApplicationOrigin":
                    return CallerOrigin.Application;
                case "AsyncServiceOrigin":
                    return CallerOrigin.AsyncService;
                case "WebServiceApiOrigin":
                    return CallerOrigin.WebService;

            return CallerOrigin.Undefind;

Here is a sample how to use this helper:

var callerorigin = CallerOriginHelper.GetCallerOrigin(localContext.PluginExecutionContext);

Unfortunately this solution works only for plugins that are not registered in Isolation, so for CRM Online it would not work - Undefined value would be returned.


  1. Great!
    Thanks Andrii, I will try it next week when returning back to my customer office

  2. Then what to do for achieving this in online,please suggest me...

    1. Hello, Unfortunately there it is impossible to make this code work for CRM Online.

  3. Nice simple solution, well done, thanks for sharing.

    1. Welcome! Unfortunately this is unsupported solution that can be broken with new rollups...

  4. PS Personally, it works better as an extension method on IPluginExecutionContext, but that's just my preference.

    public static CallerOrigin GetCallerOrigin(this IPluginExecutionContext context)
    if (context.GetType().Name == "SandboxPluginExecutionContext")
    return CallerOrigin.Undefind;

    object callerorigin =
    context.GetType().GetProperty("CallerOrigin").GetValue(context, null);

    switch (callerorigin.GetType().Name)
    case "ApplicationOrigin":
    return CallerOrigin.Application;
    case "AsyncServiceOrigin":
    return CallerOrigin.AsyncService;
    case "WebServiceApiOrigin":
    return CallerOrigin.WebService;

    return CallerOrigin.Undefind;
