Monday, January 21, 2013

MS CRM 2011: Rollup 11 and ‘CrmException: A non valid page number was received: 0’ error

I installed Rollup 11 on our development servers and after server restart CRM instance was broken. Every page that has grid or grids shown following:

I googled and found following solution:
1. Open regedit.
2. Open HKLM\SOFTWARE'\Microsoft\MSCRM.
3. Open TurnOffFetchThrottling key and change value to 0.
4. Make iisreset.
Once steps were done CRM instance was fixed.


  1. Hi Andrii,
    Just in case, I suppose you meant to change it from 1 to 0.
    We met the like error, but with a bit another scenario (Default Solution export issue) (described here in Russian
    By the way, we also recently met one more issue of RU11 - advanced find error when you are querying across related entities with a "lookup condition" on the "joined entity".

    1. Hello Pavel,
      Yes, you are right. I meant 0.
